It’s finally that time! A few days late of our goal, but we were able to spend some extra time with friends this past week that we don’t get to see very often. We’re so excited for our 2020 season. This will be our 7th growing season and our 1st season on our new farm in Mandan. Less driving means more time to manage the farm which means more productive crops and happier farmers and customers!
A few changes for the 2020 season:
- To better suit our schedule, our CSA delivery day will be Tuesdays instead of Wednesdays this season. Same time & place (BisMan Community Food Co-op, 5-6PM). If this works well for us, we’ll plan to keep it that way for future seasons as well.
- We’re adding a CSA drop location for Mandan! We had a lot of great suggestions for places from the survey we posted recently, but now we have to contact the appropriate people and get details solidified. This will also be Tuesdays, 5-6PM.
- We made a slight price increase this season of $25 per share.
Returning this season:
- Market Shares! Learn more about them here.
We’re aiming for 75 CSA boxes this year. Make sure to grab yours soon!
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